The last game of Fearsome Floors was no different for me than any of the previous games. I got a grand total of ONE person out the door while Justin, Chesterand Nathansomehow got out easily. Chester won the last game, but couldn't change the fact that the best he was finishing was third. Justin finished second and wins yet another Gold. I got completely shut out in this series - yep, last place in every single game. I apparently just don't get it. I've never been a big FF fan anyway, but this cemented it for me. I'd play this face to face with a larger group as a distraction, but I doubt I'll play it again online anytime soon. As the loser, I went ahead and picked Through the Desert as our next event. I kicked around a couple of games, but decided we'd better play TtD before it disappeared off the internet (also, since I got a refresher game last week, the play is fresh in my head).
And it is finally official. Our last game of Amun-Re is done and I finally won a gold - thanks in large part to Chester, it was a clean win, not a tie. The game looked for a long time like it might end up with Nathan and I tied for first and Chester and Justin tied for second (in the overall standings). At the end of the game, Chester made a few moves and pushed Nathan down in the money and forced him down the points to last. Final scores: Justin: 47, Charles: 42, Chester: 41, Nathan: 40. Justin played his best game of this but still finished last in the standings and picks the next game of the series - he picked Reef Encounter. I was surprised to pull out the win here - this is not a game I'm great at. I think for the most part, I had really good card draws for the majority of the time and it made the most difference.