Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's Left

So what is left for 2008 and gaming? There are three games in my Top Ten that I haven't played this year - Antike, Torres, and A Game of Thrones. I'm pretty sure I can get these all in during the next two months without much difficulty. My "Owned and Zero Plays Hit List" shows a number of games to try and learn still. I can probably knock out a couple of AoS maps, some of my new Winsome games, etc etc - maybe get through another dozen or so of those. I show 108 games on that list, but about 15 of them I'm not going to count for whatever reason, so lets say that leaves me a mere 80 games I own but haven't played. Sigh. Going to have to work harder at this....

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Wow, I can’t believe you’ve never played Thurn and Taxis!

Both Mike and I have played Neuland and I’m pretty sure you could get both of us to play sometime, just don’t get anyone too AP-prone, though the game still flowed pretty well with Jason the Elder playing.

Your list of unplayed games has inspired me to create some mini-lists of my own using just those games.

My Five favorite games from your unplayed list:
Medieval Merchant
Thurn and Taxis
The Traders of Genoa

First alternate: Ark of the Covenant (I do loves me someCarcassonne!)

Five I would never play again:
Age of Mythology: The Boardgame
Cosmic Encounter (Okay, so I might be talked into this one...)
Magna Grecia
War! Age of Imperialism

Five I’ve not played, but want to:
Bang! - Dodge City
Control Nut!
Die Macher
Fifth Avenue

Five I think you would enjoy more than their reputations might lead you to think you should:
Sunken City

And the one game I can’t believe you never played because Jason Sato always had it with him:
Hare & Tortoise