Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Musings of No Interest

I think I felt a disturbance in the force. I realized that I haven't purchased a new game, nor traded for a game in quite a while. Oddly, I haven't felt driven to run out and get something new either. Have I reach some sort of equilibrium? I still have stuff I'd rid myself of in Math Trades, but I'm not overly concerned about getting rid of them either. I have plenty of project things I'd like to get done, but probably won't anytime soon. I do believe I've really knocked out a lot of my unplayed games this year. I even like a few of them. Still have a load of them to try though - Steam, Khronos, Medieval Merchant, Bus, Die Macher, Thebes, Scepter of Zavandor, Magna Grecia, and Imperial to name a few (oh there are more to be sure). I've also managed to get in a few older games that I haven't seen hit the table in a while (like the rcent playing of El Grande). I look around my game room and see a number of games sitting there that I'm sure my son could handle now, but I'm also starting to get greedy and wonder when he'll start grasping basic tactics and not just the mechanics of the games. I realize that my daughter asked me to play a game with her too tonight (Blink) and we didn't get to it. I have to make sure to play with her when she asks. One gamer is fun and two would be great, but mostly a guy needs time with his baby girl - especially time that doesn't involve sitting there and talking about shoes (seriously, she is 4 and can talk about shoes forever if you let her). Don't get me wrong, we can do whatever interests her, but she is pretty perceptive and knows I'm about to fall asleep when she starts talking about the skeetchers she wants. Geez, I just found another 5 games I need to play. Time to cut this commentary short...


Matthew Frederick said...

I'll just note that I'd really like to play Steam, like major big time, and that I've wanted to try Khronos quite a lot. On top of that I'd very happily play Medieval Merchant, Die Macher, Thebes, Magna Grecia, and Imperial again, as they're all games I quite like.

We gotta find some time!

Mike G. said...

I love Steam. I think it is the best version yet. I also happen to like the basic game better than the advanced as well.

Jaybird said...

Funny, the same thing has occurred here. Almost zero impulse to drop any cash, troll for trades, nothing.

Seems like the math trades have really slowed down as well. The trade percentage has dropped in them recently, like everyone is kind of taking a break from the trading frenzy and tightening up.

You are not alone. Enjoy the peace.