Monday, September 28, 2009

Trades of No Interest

Apparently any imbalances in the gaming "Force" have been restored. 3 for 3 in this last math trade. I managed to trade off: Dixie - Bull Run (unplayed, two-player card game), Wits & Wagers (un-fun group "trivia" game), and Tier auf Tier + Goodnight Moon game (two kids games). In exchange I'm getting: Mr. Jack, Lord of the Rings - The Confrontation: Deluxe Edition, and a mini digital camera for my kids. Mr. Jack was surprisingly fun, so I was happy to start adding it to my math trade lists. My wife will hate it, but I imagine it'll be good for my kids as they get a bit older. My son loves Stratego Legends (it is his number 2 game!), so he should like LotR:The Confrontation - I've been eying the Deluxe edition for a while now. The kids had outgrown Goodnight Moon game and I have a load of dexterity games, so Tier auf Tier was no real loss to me. They have wanted their own camera for a long time though, so this little camera should be fun for them. I'm also working on an order or two for some games. I really want to try Munchkin Quest (which I've read is actually a decent little dungeon crawl with Munchkin humor tacked on). I think I may finally spring for Metropolys, which I enjoyed a lot, but is kinda pricy retail. I think I'm finally breaking down to get CE and the expansion too. I have the original Winsome version of the Erie expansion - maybe I'll geekgold auction the sucker :). What else? A Game of Thrones LCG: Kings of the Sea is out (it adds the 5th house - Pyke). Yep, I've played like twice and yet I feel the need to have the whole set. More realistically, I may get a few Runebound expansions, as my son says this is his favorite game.


Mike said...

I disagree with your assessment of Wits & Wagers.

Jaybird said...

Caron loves LotR Confrontation, and Mr. Jack. I have been thinking about trading LotR, but that would not be the smartest move, seeings as how my wife likes it.

You can't go wrong picking up the Queen version of Chicago Express.

By the way, I finally did manage to trade for Combat Commander. I played it about a month ago, and instantly loved it. Now, to sleeve all those cards....

Jaybird said...

And Wits and Wagers is a pretty good game with the right people. It can get old, and as with any party game, it can be mundane.

Mike G. said...

Good Trades. Speaking of trades, how's the power grid expansion coming :)

Jaybird said...

Hey Mike, what do you think about Wits and Wagers? I guess I was referring to a decent game to play with a larger group, where many won't play anything more than Pictionary.

I'm not saying that I'd pull it out at a convention or game night, but it is one of the few games that I can get sisters in laws to play.

Granted, it's glorified charades....

Mike said...

Wits & Wagers is a good game to play with family during the holidays or get togethers. It's a 30 minute alternative to Trivial Pursuit, and the betting part makes it fun for the person that's not good at trivia. I agree that I'd never get it out with serious gamers, except for a late-night closer.