Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I am RED

I play red. There are a couple reasons for that. I'm a Husker fan for one. So yes, that red pawn is not Sooner Red, or Cardinal Red, or whatever retarded red you think it is, it is HUSKER RED. That said, when I played with the AZ gamers, nobody had a claim on red and since its a fairly common color in games, I usually took it. Now, everyone had "their" color: Jason Sato was always yellow, Jason Maxwell always tries for purple, Matthew Frederick = green, Matt usually was blue IIRC. I'm not sure, but I think Bobby usually went blue as well. Group dynamics are always interesting. Here in Omaha, I've still managed to hold red, despite having a lot of competition for it. I've offered to take black on occasion, but I still seem to get red frequently. Games like A Game of Thrones tended to throw me, because you didn't "pick" your color. There is nothing worse than figuring out your next move only to realize you don't own those pieces.


Anonymous said...

you should be pink.

Mike said...

if you want to be the Lannisters, in AGOT every time i'd be fine with that (their position sucks)

Bobby said...

I prefer purple, but will usually give it up. Christa likes me to have black, "like my soul". :)

Jason Maxwell said...

That's not just purple, that's HUSKY purple!

Things of No Interest said...

Husky, chunky, whatever.