So, how'd I do? Well, I've seen the flagbearer series going for around $70 on ebay. If you get lucky, you can find these pretty cheap at ToysRUs - I'm never lucky. Cluzzle isn't hard to get and not terribly expensive, but I'm getting rid of something I won't play (Carc) for something I'm much more likely to play. And lastly, I'm trading up - handmade copy of Atolla Modulis for RoboRally - the WotC edition that is worth maybe $50. I'm going to see if I can't re-trade it for something else - I don't really care about owning it that much, but its possibly worth decent trade fodder or ebay-ing.
**Update: I worked out a "trade" for RoboRally with my friend Jason Maxwell. He gets Roborally, and I get a new C&C:Ancients expansion. This works out well for the guy trading Roborally too, in that he doesn't have to ship now - he and Jason are both in Phoenix Metro area.
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