Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hurray for Trades

I got a trade request this morning for my Manoeuvre game (which I picked up nearly new at Bookman's). The offer was for Marvel Heroes, which is out of print and won't be reprinted due to licensing costs or some such. At any rate, my son will get a kick out of this game in a couple years. Now, Manoeuvre was ok, but it is still available if I want it, so I see this as a good trade for now. The best part was that I didn't have to go looking for it, it found me.


Mike G. said...

I think Maneuover is actually oop right now.

I'd be interested in what you think of Marvel Heroes. I thought it was terrible and traded my copy away immediately.

Mike said...

traded yet another game you never played...

Things of No Interest said...

Actually, I played Maneuover at the Geekway with Justin. I picked it up from Bookman's because it was inexpensive and it wasn't a bad game and it had the possibility of being trade fodder.