Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's Next (year)?

Random thoughts about gaming in 2009 (as we wrap up 2008):
  • Now that Nathan Winchester is hooked, maybe we can start a regular sort of two-player game thing - maybe C&C:Ancients, or some of the longer two player games - Hannibal, Twilight Struggle, etc
  • Hopefully Le Havre will arrive and I'll get to play it :)
  • Will 2009 be the year I'll finally get to play Die Macher? Probably. Dion is always pushing it.
  • Looking forward to the Geekway 2009 edition. Of course, its only a couple days, and of course I want to play like 5 epic games already...
  • I really need to find more excuses to post pictures of The Fonz
  • I kind of liked keeping track of trades, the games I acquired, and my plays in 2008 - but as the end of the year approached, I found I've been lazy. I won't be doing the same thing in 2009. Maybe its enough to just blog the playings and record them on the BGG.
  • I promised to teach my son Heroquest when he gets through with Kindergarten, so maybe I should read the rules so I know how to play.
  • I got through a pretty good number of my un-played games this last year. Hopefully I can keep cutting that number down in 2009. Its helped, because I finally got rid of some things that I really didn't need to keep. Some others that are on the fence that need to get tried so I can decide to keep them or cut them: Magna Grecia, Lost Valley, Mare Norstrum, Scepter of Zavandor,
  • Think I'm going to thin my "owned" list to take out the kids games. I'll still put comments on them as to appropriateness and record a play or something, but there is no need to clutter my collection with their kiddie games. My kiddie games are staying :)
  • Get another game shelf - I'm full and need more space. Even if I clear out stuff, I'm full and need more space. What will I do when my room is actually full?
  • Play some more: Age of Steam, Indonesia, A Game of Thrones,

    Mike G. said...

    What do you do if you room gets full? Stack crap.... that's what I do :)

    nwinches said...

    Just what do you mean, "hooked"!?

    I can quit anytime I want...


    Mike said...

    I hate you.